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Why register your company in Solar Cleaning®?


Regardless of the size of your company, with Solar Cleaning® you will receive a package of exclusive benefits for you to win more customers and improve the image of your Photovoltaic Solar Panel Cleaning company.

Count on our support and full support

With Solar Clean® you will lower your operating costs in the first minute you start. Focus on providing better service while our team directs potential customers interested in your solar panel cleaning services.

Alguns de nossos associados


What will I have access to on the platform?

Primeira Posição do Google Limpeza de Pa

Priority in research

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Space for reviews

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You will gain more visibility

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Button to receive quotes

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Online profile with company logo

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Ads targeted to your region

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service registration

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Emphasis  of your competitors

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Receive customer notifications by


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We have +120,000 members who trust our work and results, we have a team specialized in Geolocation Campaigns  and Digital Positioning to provide exponential results for your company.

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Some of our customers...

I'm interested! how do i start  my company registration?

To start registering your company profile, click on the I WANT TO REGISTER button. After this step you will be able to  to start  to receive  Notifications  of budget requests, publicize  your URL link and win reviews, and also exclusivity in our Photovoltaic System Cleaning Companies Map . 

Advertise your company with us.

Who is not seen is not remembered!

We all know that it is very difficult to be able to guarantee a number of services per month, but transmitting confidence in technology and being on the side of the  good companies in the sector is key for customers to make the decision.

Solar Cleaning allows you to clearly and transparently show your brand values, quality of your services  and the experience and attention it delivers to its customers.

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Want to know how we attract more customers to you ?

We position you better in search results!


We are a platform with a large volume of hits and we have a team specialized in strategies and digital marketing, your chances of being in  first in Google search are much bigger along with us.

You don't have to worry about advertising!


When closing the subscription, the value is  invested in ads targeted to your city and region.  


Thus, you will receive more requests for quotes from potential customers closer to you.

What is the investment value to be part of Solar Cleaning and get all the benefits?

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With Solar Cleaning  you will get clients in your region who will fully understand the quality of your proposal and your reputation in providing photovoltaic system cleaning service.

© Copyright
Solar Clean Solar Cleaning


A LIMPEZA SOLAR é uma empresa pioneira no ramo de limpeza e manutenção de painéis solares fotovoltaicos em todo o Brasil. Há 9 anos abrindo caminho para o poder do Sol, oferecemos serviços profissionais para Limpeza e Manutenção Solar, já atendemos +100.000 usinas fotovoltaicas.

Depois de muitas pesquisas, estudos e parcerias, desenvolvemos nosso próprio produto de Limpeza Solar, facilitando a limpeza de placa solar. Nossas técnicas e habilidades com as melhores ferramentas do mercado, aliado ao melhor produto para limpeza solar, fazem toda diferença no trabalho e garantem a satisfação de nossos clientes.



Limpeza Solar
CNPJ 57.495.722/0001-81

(31) 9.8536-0243
(31) 9.7329-5479


Bairro São Joao Batista CEP 31515-300
Cidade de Belo Horizonte UF MG


Plataforma desenvolvida por Energia Solar Shop

Todos os direitos reservados 2012 - 2025 Copyright ©LimpezaSolar®.

Solar Clean Solar Cleaning
Solar Clean Solar Cleaning
Solar Clean Solar Cleaning
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