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Ao adquirir o equipamento profissional da LIMPEZA SOLAR, você tem o profissionalismo necessário para atender a demanda do mercado. Conheça em detalhes os componentes do nosso kit de limpeza.

Solar Panel Cleaning Kits / Special Offers / Telescopic Solar Cleaning ®  9m

unmissable offer

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(77 reviews)

Professional Kit 
Adjustable Solar Cleanser ®
1.85m at 9 meters range

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We ship all over Brazil.


Guaranteed delivery or your money back.


Secure payment process, by credit card or bank slip.

Clean the hardest to access solar panels!

Do you want to purchase equipment that provides safe and efficient cleaning of your solar panels? Buy now the Professional Telescopic Solar Cleaning® Adjustable 1.85m to 9 meters Multifunctional with all necessary connections included.

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Adjustable equipment with ideal water passage to serve all types of photovoltaic installations!

If you want to carry out solar panel cleaning services and complete your work with maximum efficiency and guarantee quality to your customers, whether you are cleaning small installations, or large installations, this equipment is tailor-made to meet your needs.

Advantages of purchasing the Solar Cleaning Kit ® ?

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High hardness telescopic, good heat resistance, corrosion resistance and easy to use and transport. Non-slip telescopic, soft handle adding greater comfort and isolation from water passage.

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All-in-one cleaning: This kit includes a multi-purpose brush with soft bristles, powerful cleaning tool with retractable tube up to 9 meters.

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350mm brush with 4 water outlets, with adjustable angle adjustment to clean solar panels in inaccessible places with ease.

Specially developed to meet all types of photovoltaic installations

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Enjoy! The offers on this page are for a limited time only!

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We make major investments in state-of-the-art technologies to produce the best telescopic solar panel cleaning.

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Equipment built with high quality materials, designed to last for many years, there's no point in investing in equipment that will fall apart after a few uses.

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The Telescopic Solar® Cleaning is robust, providing you with the security and tranquility of having made the purchase of the right equipment!

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Water conveying system through the internal hose directly to the brush, angle adjustment to allow the brush to be removed, rotated and retightened quickly.

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Easily adjust the brush head in the vertical/horizontal plane, a useful feature to suit a variety of PV cleaning situations.

Importantly, you will notice that each Solar Clean® telescopic handle has a unique Solar Clean® protective handle. This is the only telescopic on the market with water supply that has clamps for adjustment and opening adjustment, providing more security. Now available to you at no extra cost.

Extremely robust, rubberized Solar Cleaning Brush designed especially for solar cleaning

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It's amazing how easy jobs are when you have the right tools and with the highest quality materials in the industry, you can be sure you're getting the right equipment for the value you deserve, at the right price.

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we proudly deliver


Quality, Reliability and Professionalism.


Our commitment to customer satisfaction is reflected in our excellent reputation in the Solar Energy sector. After serving thousands of customers with the most challenging floor and roof mounting sets, we have all the experience needed to meet your Solar Clean® needs.

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Rest assured, shopping at Clean Solar® is easy and reliable.  Equipment with warranty, guaranteed on-time delivery and return policy.

© Copyright
Solar Clean Solar Cleaning


A LIMPEZA SOLAR é uma empresa pioneira no ramo de limpeza e manutenção de painéis solares fotovoltaicos em todo o Brasil. Há 9 anos abrindo caminho para o poder do Sol, oferecemos serviços profissionais para Limpeza e Manutenção Solar, já atendemos +100.000 usinas fotovoltaicas.

Depois de muitas pesquisas, estudos e parcerias, desenvolvemos nosso próprio produto de Limpeza Solar, facilitando a limpeza de placa solar. Nossas técnicas e habilidades com as melhores ferramentas do mercado, aliado ao melhor produto para limpeza solar, fazem toda diferença no trabalho e garantem a satisfação de nossos clientes.



Limpeza Solar
CNPJ 57.495.722/0001-81

(31) 9.8536-0243
(31) 9.7329-5479


Bairro São Joao Batista CEP 31515-300
Cidade de Belo Horizonte UF MG


Plataforma desenvolvida por Energia Solar Shop

Todos os direitos reservados 2012 - 2025 Copyright ©LimpezaSolar®.

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Solar Clean Solar Cleaning
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